This Is The Way To Be Remarkable

Traditional mobile network operators are not remarkable. Far from it. Apparently, MNOs still have a “one product fits all” approach, which makes no sense when you look at where the future of cellular communication is heading.

Nowadays, MNOs race to implement advanced LTE features and of course 5G, to offer the market the best-in-class connectivity services. But still, it’s the same familiar game and it is all a matter of time until most operators will have the same offering.

But the important thing is, that it doesn’t make the future any more exciting for the end users. Everybody will be offered the same-old product, the one that the consumer already knows what to expect from. Meaning, the same-old SIM card, with data, voice and SMS bundles.

Being remarkable, as Seth Godin taught us, is standing out from the crowd. Be a purple cow! With a basic connectivity product like that, you won’t find any purple cow, even if you really look for it. Not even if it’s in the form of an eSIM.

Yes, everybody needs connectivity as a service. That’s a basic thing and it’s a given. But is that really enough for most customers? Actually, in our view, the real question is: what makes a connectivity service truly remarkable for our customers? The answer is: giving them the right tools to tailor this service to their own exact needs.

For example, using Monogoto’s SIM cards and APIs, companies and individuals can receive an alert on any event from the cellular network, send commands to the network and customize their security profiles to fit any given scenario at any time.

We believe in lowering the barrier for users of cellular connectivity. We believe that our customers can benefit from this virtually unlimited self-control. With this kind of powerful flexibility, they can create their own unique products and become remarkable by themselves, without being constrained by the limitations of conventional connectivity schemes.

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